My photo
As my wardrobe is my style statement, My blog is my life statement.

Friday, July 22, 2011


Charming beauty brings a smile,
But now comes after a mile,
Man with his own hands,
Cleared up all the lands,
In place of lavish green forests,
You can see a hub of concrete nests,
Where are they gone?
Even the birds are in mourn,
The inspiring beauty,
To save it was our duty.
What to do no one understand,
Our deeds are going to make this nature still stand,
A day without sun will come,
Life without wind will let u sulk,
There will be no rain,
 And then your all efforts will be in vain,
True face will be shown by the nature,
Earth will be there but without any creature.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

@School dayz

Oh! Chemistry
You are a mystery,
Your mystery is so interesting,
Reading you is just like resting,
In the class of mine,
You make me shine,
Learning other subjects fear me,
But knowing your facts cheers me,
Your concepts are very wide,
But though very interesting and precise,
For me studying other subjects is waste of time,
But you helped me choose my line,
Learning about Henry’s law and fool’s gold,
One can’t get bored even after getting old,
This is the reason I consider you best,
So are you my favourite subject.

I wrote this one when i was in 9th standard and then modified it in 11th class with a pinch of some jargon like Fool's Gold and Henry's Law. Basically i wrote this one for my house that was Venus at that time in school poetry competition. I won but not for this poem, yet it was my favourite but for the other one that will be uploaded soon. I always had a passion for chemistry but this passion got a boost up by my favourite teacher Mr. A.N Sharma sir. But to your wonder let me tell you one thing else that this was the only subject in which I got two marks out of 100 in my preboard's. Even though i love this subject and always try to keep it on my tips....

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Nature's hIpHop!!!!

I was extremely busy and was not able to be a part of my blog everyday. But don't worry now you will find my posts very frequently and in more interesting way. I have included various other topics as well that will refresh you but in a more fashionable way. Just give me few days and i am coming with a collection you will love to have.

You will be thinking that a girl who said she will write about nature and social causes is saying that she is going to present a collection. Is she moving to a fashion world or what? No people i am there only working for the same motive but taking care of our generation, so presenting the same thing but with a pinch of fashion industry.

My next post will be related to nature only, but isn't nature fashionable. This is my next theme and i am working hard on it and i am sure u all will love it.
And so as to add let me tell you all that collection will not be my creation. Idea is mine and from your own most popular markets i am going to search my matter and for you all will also work on their prices. I know being aware about prices help you really plan about your next shopping spree.

So don't worry i will not just let you know about the prices but also will give you the address or links whatever i will come across.

A collection of what we wear but with an impact of nature.
Enjoy nature but love and protect it also ..... So that some day your children can also enjoy it !!!!!
So till then Good bye!!! 

Sunday, July 10, 2011


They were able to survive but with a trauma for life time. Guyz! I am sharing this page with you all because after reading the stories about the women who were sexually assaulted i was startled. People need to know about them and the harsh conditions they went through. They need help to rebuild there lives.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Unrevealed Sufferings

I opened my eyes and saw a flash of light,
Thought here is the life which is bright,
Mistaken was me world was merciless,
Birth of mine was an eclipse on happiness.
Instead of celebrations there was a mourn,
Confusedly asked God why am I born?
Lying in the corner waited for the miracle,
Withhold my breath and waited for the cradle.
Heard the footsteps heading towards me,
I felt happy that at least somebody loves me,
There came a person with the nose like me,
He took me into his arms and looked at me,
My lips were sealed but the eyes were speaking,
Relation was strong and expected that
...........nothing suspicious was happening.
But wrong was me and wrong was the feeling,
It wasn’t love but the another plan of killing,
I crumbled on the floor and tried to run,
Forgot the fact that I was just one month,
The situation I went through was traumatic,
Pain was deep and they were not sympathetic.
I withhold my tears and regained my strength,
Gird up to nip the evil right from the place you belong,
Difficult was the time and situations were harsh,
The one who tried to kill me was ready for the clash.
Not ready to believe the importance of girl,
Clearly told me that girls don’t have any role,
Without loosing hope, again I stood against inequality,
I got drenched in the social dirt to remove the iniquity.
To abolish the dowry system and fight against female infanticide,
People called me mad but I didn’t feel bad,
I was determined to bring equality to girls.
At last all sufferings paved,
Was able to achieve what I craved,
I bestowed my life for a cause,
At last to rest in peace and not remorse.

 This creation of mine is dedicated to Mrs. Sunita Aralikar. I wrote few paragraphs of this poem when I was in first year but recently got an ideal to complete it as her story startled me. For me it was just a poem but for her it was her own story. I got words and the emotions for my poem. If u like you can go through the article about the lady who was rescued after being buried alive when she was just 16-days-old by her own father…….