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As my wardrobe is my style statement, My blog is my life statement.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

@School dayz

Oh! Chemistry
You are a mystery,
Your mystery is so interesting,
Reading you is just like resting,
In the class of mine,
You make me shine,
Learning other subjects fear me,
But knowing your facts cheers me,
Your concepts are very wide,
But though very interesting and precise,
For me studying other subjects is waste of time,
But you helped me choose my line,
Learning about Henry’s law and fool’s gold,
One can’t get bored even after getting old,
This is the reason I consider you best,
So are you my favourite subject.

I wrote this one when i was in 9th standard and then modified it in 11th class with a pinch of some jargon like Fool's Gold and Henry's Law. Basically i wrote this one for my house that was Venus at that time in school poetry competition. I won but not for this poem, yet it was my favourite but for the other one that will be uploaded soon. I always had a passion for chemistry but this passion got a boost up by my favourite teacher Mr. A.N Sharma sir. But to your wonder let me tell you one thing else that this was the only subject in which I got two marks out of 100 in my preboard's. Even though i love this subject and always try to keep it on my tips....


  1. KG ke annual function day pe bacche is se accha poetry likhte hai

  2. thanx fr the feedback.. i m like dat kg kid only!!! so u have to bear with me if u like till i reach the writing acco to my age...
